( you can change the damage gear to plus one if you want,both is good )
Booster Shots
Byron's next attack shoots 3 darts instead of one, each dealing 20% less damage and 40% less healing.
Byron's Super will also cause opponents to receive 75% less healing from any source for 9 seconds.
Deal 15% extra Damage when your Brawler is below 50% Health.
Gain extra 900 Health as a consumable Shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health.
to play byron you want to structure yourself to allways create a triangle distance with your teamates so that you can attack enemies and when you have to heal teamates you can shot to the sides to heal teamates, this can be hard at first because your teamates are allways moving especially agro brawlers but then once you manage to move with your team it can be very rewarding and satifying. you want to allways auto aim your super if enemies are in range, you do NOT want to auto aim using main attack or if you want to hit your super onto brawlers with high movement like mortis. for the gadget you want to only use it on brawlers that are hard to hit because the gadget makes your main attack shoot like a fan which makes it way easier to hit and if you manage to hit 2 your one more hit away to get your super, byrons sueperisrealy easy to charge because its only 3 hits. if your not attacking you should be healing and if your not healing you should be attacking. the star ower makes it even harder for enemies to heal when the super is used so you should also be attacking.
Game Modes
Gem Grab
remember triangle distance , heal gem carries and use super to heal teamates or to deal damage on enemies and stop them from healing
heal teamates who are about to die, help agro brawlers push use super to knockout enemies and use your range as an advantage . Remeber triangle positionsing and use gadget if cannot aim
Duo Showdown
heal your teamates when they are pushing , use super to attack or heal teamates. no need for triangle positioning instead you want to just create a side by side distance with your teamate, use gadget if cannot aim . can also use teamates as sheild while you can heal
same thing as knockout but heal teamates with high amounts of stars
Works Well With
About This Build
This build, byron rank 35 3v3 guide(IN DEPTH), was created by ChargingAdventurer712492 on Oct 14, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Byron, and uses the Booster Shots gadget, Malaise star power, Damage gear, and Shield gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Byron build and others.
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